Computer Assembly - How To Assemble A PC
Computer Tests - DirectX Diagnostics
The most basic full system test is to run the DirectX Diagnostics utility, DXDIAG. Click on Start -> Run and enter dxdiag into prompt box.
The DirectX Diagnostic utility executes and displays the System tab. Notice the version of DirectX is shown near the bottom of the screen, which is DirectX 8.1 in my case.
Click on the Display tab. This tab shows the files installed for DirectX. The "Notes" pane should include the statement "No problems found".
Click on the Display tab. The middle pane labeled DirectX Features should show that DirectDraw Acceleration, Direct3D Acceleration and AGP Texture Acceleration are all Enabled. There are two tests that can be run under this tab, each with their own button in the middle pane. The buttons are labeled "Test DirectDraw" and "Test Direct3D". Run each test and verify you get the results described by DXDIAG. The "Notes" pane should include the statement "No problems found".
Click on the Sound tab. The middle pane labeled DirectX Features should show that Hardware Sound Acceleration Level is set to Full Acceleration. There is one test that can be run under this tab, but the test has numerous parts to it. The test is run by pushing the button labeled "Test DirectSound" in the middle pane. Run the test and verify you get the results described by DXDIAG. The "Notes" pane should include the statement "No problems found".
Click on the Music tab. There is one test that can be run under this tab. The test is run by pushing the button labeled "Test DirectMusic" in the middle pane. Run the test and verify you hear the music. The "Notes" pane should include the statement "No problems found".
Click on the Input tab. The "Notes" pane should include the statement "No problems found".
Clicking on the "Exit" button exits DXDIAG.
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