Hard Drive Upgrade Install Guide
What You Need For A Hard Drive Upgrade - (continued)
Here are the boot disk options shown for Norton Ghost 2002. I created my Norton Ghost Boot Disk by selecting the "CD-ROM Boot Disk". Clicking on this option highlights it in blue as shown. Clicking the "Next" button continues.
And here are the boot disk options for Norton Ghost 2003. I'll not be showing the 2003 screen-shot in addition to the 2002 screen-shot in most cases since they actually look the same, but this one lists the options a little differently so I'll make an exception. Select "Standard Ghost Boot Disk" and click the "Next" button.
The first time I got this far, the "Use MS-DOS" option in the window shown below was low-lighted so it could not be selected. To change this so it's an allowed option as shown in the picture, click the "Get MS-DOS" button with the system floppy disk in the floppy drive. This will cause Norton Ghost to retrieve the MS-DOS system files from the floppy disk and keep them. After the first time, this window always looks like the picture. I chose "Use MS-DOS" for the DOS version and clicked the "Next" button.
I didn't change anything on this window. I just clicked the "Next" button.
I didn't change anything on this window, either. I just clicked the "Next" button.
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